UNSOMNIA talk about market design "Think local, act global" by AGORA postdoc Garcia-Pola has been released.
Talk about market design on the topic "How can we thrive in the 21st century?" under the UNSOMNIA program by AGORA postdoc Bernardo Garcia-Pola.
Media article "Do leaders make strategic decisions to minimise regret?" featuring AGORA postdoc García-Pola published at BusinessThink
Media article "How market design is transforming the role of economists into engineers?" featuring Jacob Goeree published at BusinessThink
Media article: "Why do markets need designing? Lending Smith’s ‘invisible hand’ a hand" (Goeree and Holden) at The Conversation
Presentation: Sydney Experimental and Behavioural Research Brownbag Seminar (postdoc García-Pola)
Outreach talk: postdoc García-Pola gives participates in the science communication competition Famelab and reaches the semifinals
AGORA researcher Goeree will be a visiting professor at Stanford from 1/2020 to 8/2020
Project: “An Evaluation of the First-Price Combinatorial Auction for the Sales of 850-900 MHz Spectrum” (Goeree and Louis) Prepared for the Australian Communications and Media Authority
Project: “Comparing FPSB and SMRA for the ACMA’s 850-900 MHz Auction” (Bedard, Goeree, Louis and Zhang) Prepared for the Australian Communications and Media Authority
Presentation: Tsinghua BEAT Market-Design Conference (Goeree), Beijing
Project: “Designs for the Dutch 700 MHz, 1400 MHz, and 2100 MHz Auction” (with T. Offerman, S. Onderstal, and A. Schram)
Project: “Review of Spectrum Auction Design Rules for the ACMA” (Bichler and Goeree) Prepared for the Australian Communications and Media
Presentation: Sydney Economics & Computation Workshop (Goeree), UNSW
Presentation: Spectrum Auction Design (Goeree), Australian Communications and Media Authority
Presentation: Spectrum Auction Conference (Goeree), Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs
Workshop: Inaugural AGORA mini-workshop
Project: “Report on the Market Design Rules and Differences to Goeree’s 2015 Review” (Bichler and Goeree) Prepared for NSW Primary Industry
Conference: 2015 ESA World Meetings, Sydney
Workshop: 5th ESEI Market Design Workshop, Sydney
Project: “Review of the Fisheries Reform Exit Grant Proposal” (Goeree) Prepared for NSW Primary Industry
Project: “Evaluatie Multibandveiling (Evaluation of the Dutch Multi-Band Auction)” (Goeree, van Mil, Meuleman, Mulder, Huis in ‘t Veld and ten Heuvelhof)
Workshop: 4th ESEI Market Design Workshop: in honor of John Ledyard, Sydney
Minicourse: Political Science Experiments
Instructor: Thomas Palfrey, California Institute of Technology
Minicourse: Market Design
Instructor: Paul Milgrom, Stanford University
Workshop: 3rd ESEI Market Design Workshop, Cologne-Zurich
Conference: 2013 ESA World Meetings, Zurich
Workshop: 2nd ESEI Market Design Workshop, Zurich
Project: “Peer Review of Power Auctions’ Advice and Simulation Analysis of the Canadian 2500MHz Auction” (Bichler, Goeree and Shabalin) Prepared for Industry Canada
Minicourse: Experimental Finance
Instructor: Peter Bossaerts, California Institute of Technology
Minicourse: Institutions, Mechanisms and Experiments
Instructor: Tim Cason, Purdue University
Workshop: 1st ESEI Market Design Workshop, Prague
Minicourse on Mechanism Design
Instructor: Rakesh Vohra, Northwestern University
Project: “Peer Review of Power Auctions’ Technical Fix for the No Legal Bids Problem” (Goeree and Wilkening) Prepared for the Australian Communication and Media Authority (ACMA)
Project: “Peer Review of Power Auctions’ Submission “Advice on Stakeholder Submissions with Respect to Activity Rules” (Goeree and Wilkening) Prepared for the Australian Communication and Media Authority (ACMA)
Project: “Peer Review of Power Auctions’ Final Advice on Optus’ Submission with Respect to Strategic Bidding” (Goeree and Wilkening) Prepared for the Australian Communication and Media Authority (ACMA)
Project:“Peer Review of Power Auctions’ Simulation Analysis of the Australian 4G Auction” (Goeree and Wilkening) Prepared for the Australian Communication and Media Authority (ACMA)
Project: “Peer Review of Power Auctions’ Advice and Simulation Analysis of the Australian 4G Auction” (Goeree and Wilkening) Prepared for the Australian Communication and Media Authority (ACMA)
Workshop: Communication in Experimental Games Workshop, Zurich
Minicourse on Matching Theory
Instructor: Tayfun Sonmez, Boston College
Project: “Experimental Testing: Auction Design and Methodology” (Bardsley, Goeree, Loertscher and Wilkening) Prepared for the Australian Communication and Media Authority (ACMA)