Conferences and Workshop
2015 ESA World Meetings, Sydney
The ESEI Center for Market Design looks forward to welcoming you to the 2015 World Meetings of the Economic Science Association. The ESA meetings take place on July 24 and 25, preceded by a reception in the late afternoon of July 23. There will also be a two-day market-design workshop organized by the CPMD on July 22 and 23 that ends at the time of the reception. This workshop is open to everyone attending the ESA conference.
Keynote lectures:
Lata Gangadharan (Monash University)
Ryan Oprea (University of California, Santa Barbara)
Jean-Robert Tyran (University of Vienna)
The program is available in two formats:
5th ESEI Market Design Workshop, Sydney
July 22, 2015
9:00 Welcome
9:10-10:30 Session 1: Mechanism Design
Claudio Mezzetti (University of Queensland)
"Two-sided VCG and double-clock auctions with endogenous reserve prices"
Simon Loertscher (University of Melbourne)
"Prior-free, privacy preserving bayesian optimal mechanismus"
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break
9:10-10:30 Session 2: Applications of Big Data
Eva-Marie Olbers (Knewton, Adaptive Learning Company)
"Big data application in education"
Philippos Louis (University of Zurich)
"Market design with big(ish) data"
12:20-14:00 Lunch Break
9:10-10:30 Session 3: Finance
Rodney Garratt (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
" Does central clearing reduce counterparty risk in realistic financial networks"
Talis Putnins (University of Technology Sydney)
"Welfare costs of informed trade"
15:20-15:40 Coffee Break
15:40-17:40 Session 4: Operations Research
Martin Bichler (Technical University of Munich)
"Moral hazard in package auctions: a principal-agent model of bidding firms"
Toby Walsh (University of New South Wales)
"Online fair division"
Luke Lindsay (University of Exeter)
"How to organize a conference: a market design approach"
July 23, 2015
9:00-10:20 Session 5: Public Economics
M.S. Iftekhar (University of Western Australia)
"Impact of bidder learning on conservation auctions"
Kees van Gool (University of Technology Sydney)
"Is it time for fundamental reform of the health care market, or can incremental changes
do the trick?"
10:20-10:50 Coffee Break
10:50-12:10 Session 6: Environmental Economics
Sarah Wheeler (University of Adelaide)
"Trading water: how best to model it in Australia?"
Hugh Sibly (University of Tasmania)
"Regulated prices and moral suasion in urban water markets?"
12:10-14:00 Lunch Break
14:00-15:20 Session 7: Electricity Markets
Leslie Martin (University of Melbourne)
"Helpful tool or spam? Smart meters, personalized feedback and costumer retention?"
Oliver Nunn (Houston Kemp Economists)
"Is there a future for economists in the age of renewable energy?"
15:20-15:50 Coffee Break
15:50-17:10 Session 8: Savings and Social Welfare
Ellen Moscoe (Harvard University)
"Habit formation and savings"
Eva-Marie Olbers (Knewton, Adaptive Learning Company)
"Youth empowerment and access to finance as possible contributors to social welfare
in Ghana"
4th ESEI Market Design Workshop: in Honor of John Ledyard, Sydney
July 23, 2014
9:00-9:15 Roy Green, Dean of the UTS Business School
9:15-9:55 John Ledyard (California Institute of Technology)
"A simple buy-back auction for fisheries management" with Guillerme Freitas
9:55-10:35 Leslie M. Marx (Duke University)
"Equilibrium bid strategies in an auction with bidder preferences and resale"
with Simon Loertscher
10:35-11:00 Coffee Break
11:00-11:40 Jun Zhang (University of Technology Sydney)
"Information disclosure in contests: a bayesian persuasion approach" with Junjie Zhou
11:40-12:20 Murali Agastya (University of Sydney)
"On efficient partnership dissolution" with Oleksii Birulin
12:20-14:00 Lunch Break
14:00-14:40 Paul Pezanis-Christou (University of Adelaide)
"Supply information policies in sequential and simultaneous high-bid auctions"
with Nobuyuki Hanaki and Tibor Neugebauer
14:40-15:20 Tom Wilkening (University of Melbourne)
"A long way coming: designing centralized markets with privately informed buyers and
sellers" with Simon Loertscher and Leslie M. Marx
15:20-15:50 Coffee Break
15:50-16:30 Antonio Rosato (University of Technology Sydney)
"Loss aversion in sequential auctions: endogeneous interdependence, informational
externalities and the Afternoon Effect"
July 24, 2014
9:00-9:40 Peter Bossaerts (University of Melbourne)
"Human-robot interaction in a classical experiment on multi-period asset pricing"
with Elena Asparouhova
9:40-10:20 Robert Slonim (University of Sydney)
"Improving blood donations: a summary of 6 papers" with Ashley Craig, Ellen Garbarino,
Stephanie Heger, Victor Iajya, Mario Macis, Nicola Lacetera and Carmen Wang
10:20-10:50 Coffee Break
10:50-11:30 Haris Aziz (University of Sydney)
"Cake cutting algorithms for piecewise constant and piecewise uniform valuations"
with Chun Ye
11:30-12:10 Andy McLennan (University of Queensland)
"On uniqueness of equilibrium in the Kyle model" with Paulo Klinger Monteiro
and Rabee Tourky
12:10-13:40 Lunch Break
13:40-14:20 Claudio Mezzetti (University of Melbourne)
"Repeated Nash implementation" with Ludovic Renou
14:20-15:00 Juan Carlos Carbajal (University of New South Wales)
"Plasticity, monotonicity and implementability" with Rudolf Müller
15:00-15:30 Priscilla Man (University of Queensland)
"Generalized majority rules" with Marco Faravelli
2013 ESA World Meetings
The ESEI Center for Market Design looks forward to welcoming you to the 2013 World Meetings of the Economic Science Association (ESA) on July 11-14, 2013.
Keynote lectures will be delivered by:
Peter Bossaerts (California Institute of Technology)
Alessandra Casella (Columbia University)
John Wooders (University of Technology, Sydney)
The program is available in two formats.
A downloadable PDF booklet:
An online HTML page with links to abstracts:
3rd ESEI Market Design Workshop, Cologne-Zurich
September 18, 2013
Welcome Jacob Goeree
(University of Zurich)
Axel Ockenfels
(University of Cologne)
8:45-9:30 Mattia Nardotto (University of Cologne)
Nudging with Information: a Randomized Field Experiment on Reminders and Feedback
9:30-10:15 Jingjing Zhang (University of Zurich)
Electoral Competition: One Man, One Bid
10:15-10:45 Coffee break
10:45-11:30 Nick Bedard (University of Zurich)
Bidder-Led Collusion
11:30-12:15 Felix Bierbrauer (University of Cologne)
Very robust mechanism design
12.15-1:45 Lunch
1:45-2:30 Dirk Sliwka (University of Cologne)
Can Contracts Signal Social Norms? - Experimental Evidence
2:30-3:15 Carlos Alós-Ferrer (University of Cologne)
The Selection of Market Institutions
3:15- 3:45 Coffee break
3:45-4:45 Konrad Mierendorff (University of Zurich)
Optimal Mechanism Design with limited Commitment
4:45-5:15 Coffee break
5:15-6:00 Ulrich Glogowsky (University of Erlangen- Nuremberg)
Cooperation under Third Party Rent Extraction
2nd ESEI Market Design Workshop, July 11, 2013, Zurich
The workshop is organized around 5 major market design questions with presentations delivered by the following speakers:
Electricity Markets
Wedad Elmaghraby (University of Maryland)
Axel Ockenfels (University of Cologne)
Financial Markets
Paul Klemperer (Oxford University)
Peter Bossaerts (California Institute of Technology)
Jürgen Huber (University of Innsbruck)
Spectrum Auctions
Martin Bichler (Technical University of Munich)
Maarten Janssen (University of Vienna)
Airport Resource Allocation
Hamsa Balakrishnan (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Online Markets
Yan Chen (University of Michigan)
Tuomas Sandholm (Carnegie Mellon University)
1st ESEI Market Design Workshop at CERGE-EI
Oct 11-13, 2012, Prague
Thursday, October 11
Paul Milgrom (Stanford University)
Friday, October 12
Session I: Mechanism Design: Theory and Applications
Paul Klemperer (Oxford University)
Elizabeth Baldwin and Paul Klemperer (Oxford University)
Jacob Goeree (University of Zurich)
Fabio Michelucci (CERGE-EI)
Paul Milgrom (Stanford University)
Session II: Matching
Lars Ehlers (University of Montreal)
Flip Klijn (IAE-CSIC)
Dorothea Kuebler (WZB)
Estelle Cantillon (ECARES)
Saturday, October 13
Session III: Markets and Experiments
John Wooders (University of Technology Sydney)
Luke Lindsay (University of Zurich)
Jingjing Zhang (University of Zurich)
Sean Crockett (Baruch College)
Peter Katuščák (CERGEI-EI)
Session IV: Auctions
Philippe Jehiel (UCL and Paris School of Economics)
Konrad Mierendorff (University of Zurich)
Nenad Kos (Bocconi University)
Emel Filiz-Ozbay (University of Maryland)
Communication in Experimental Games Workshop
June 3-4, 2011, Zurich
June 3, Friday
Jacob K. Goeree (University of Zurich)
David Cooper (Florida State University)
"The Gift of Advice: Communication in a Bilateral Gift Exchange Game" with John P. Lightle
coffee break
Jingjing Zhang (University of Zurich)
"Communication & Competition" with Jacob K. Goeree
Robert Ostling (Stockholm University)
"How Does Communication Affect Beliefs?" with Tore Ellingsen and Erik Wengstr
lunch break
Marco Casari (University of Bologna)
"Communication, Commitment, and Deception in Social Dilemmas: Experimental Evidence" with Gabriele Camera and Maria Bigoni
Topi Miettinen (Hanken School of Economics)
"Commitments and Threats in Negotiations - An Experimental Study"
coffee break
Roberto Weber (University of Zurich)
"The Dog That Did Not Bark: Coordination and Pre-Play Communication with Forgone Costly Messages" with Peter H. Kriss and Andreas Blume
Marta Serra-Garcia (University of Munich)
"Implicit and Explicit Promises - The Role of Communication in Relational Contracts" with Martin Brown
June 4, Saturday
Martin Dufwenberg (University of Arizona and University of Gothenburg)
"ABC on Deals" with Maros Servatka and Radovan Vadovic
coffee break
Karl H. Schlag (University of Vienna)
"Intentions, Truth and Nash Equilibria" with Peter Vida
Christoph Vanberg (University of Cambridge)
"Multilateral Bargaining with Communication"
lunch break
Klaus Abbink (University of East Anglia)
"The Role of Communication in Revolutions – Experimental Evidence"
coffee break
Chrisitian Thöni (University of St. Gallen)
"Collective Action in Norm Enforcement - The Role of Communication"
Roman Sheremeta (Chapman University)
"Rebuilding Damaged Trust with Apology and Atonement"