Jacob K. Goeree, Jason Tayawa, and Brett Williams
Multidimensional Ironing: Theory and Applications
Nicholas C. Bedard, Jacob K. Goeree, and Ningyi Sun
Jacob K. Goeree and Bernardo García-Pola
Naivete and Sophistication in Initial and Repeated Play in Games
Bernardo García-Pola and Nagore Iriberri
Zero Intelligence in an Edgeworth Box
Brett Williams
A Note on Disappointment in Risk Elicitation Tasks
Brett Williams and Sameh Habib
Opening the Book: Information's Impact on Market Efficiency in the Lab
Brett Williams
Efficiency in Queuing Under Decentralized Mechanisms
Kristian López Vargas, Brett Williams, and Shuchen Zhao
Minimal Intelligence in the Double Auction: Logit-Choice and Reservation Utility
Brett Williams
Learning aversion and voting rules in collective decision making
Louis, Economics Letters, 133, 24-26, 2015
Goeree and Yariv, Journal of the Economic Science Association, 1(1), 15-28, 2015
On sufficiency of dominant strategy implementation in environments with correlated types
Kushnir, Economics Letters, 133, 4-6, 2015
The all-pay auction with complete information and identity-dependent externalities
Klose and Kovenock, Economic Theory, 59(1), 1-19, 2015
Extremism drives out moderation
Klose, Social Choice and Welfare, 44(4), 861-887, 2015
Spectrum auction design: Simple auctions for complex sales
Bichler, Goeree, Mayer and Shabalin, Telecommunications Policy, 38(7), 613-622, 2014
An equilibrium analysis of the simultaneous ascending auction
Goeree and Lien, Journal of Economic Theory, 153, 506-533, 2014
Goeree and Zhang, Experimental Economics, 17(3), 421–438, 2014
Three-player trust game with insider communication
Sheremeta and Zhang, Economic Inquiry, 52(2), 576-591, 2014
Mierendorff, Games and Economic Behavior, 82, 192-204, 2013
An experiment on supply function competition
Bolle, Grimm, Ockenfels and Del Pozo, European Economic Review, 63, 170-185, 2013
Generalized Reduced‐Form Auctions: A Network‐Flow Approach
Che, Kim and Mierendorff, Econometrica, 81(6), 2487-2520, 2013
Harmful signaling in matching markets
Kushnir, Games and Economic Behavior, 80, 209-218, 2013
The arguments of utility: Preference reversals in expected utility of income models
Lindsay, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 46(2), 175–189, 2013
Demand reduction and preemptive bidding in multi-unit license auctions
Goeree, Offerman and Sloof, Experimental Economics, 16(1), 52–87, 2013
Preference Signaling in Matching Markets
Coles, Kushnir, and Niederle, American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 5(2), 99-134, 2013
Uncertain Demand, Consumer Loss-aversion, and Flat-rate Tariffs
Herweg and Mierendorff, Journal of the European Economic Association, 11(2), 399-432, 2013
On the Equivalence of Bayesian and Dominant Strategy Implementation
Gershkov, Goeree, Kushnir, Moldovanu and Shi, Econometrica, 81(1), 197-220, 2013
Stable allocations and market design
Chen and Goeree, Nature, 492, 54–55, 2012
Communication and efficiency in competitive coordination games
Cason, Sheremeta and Zhang, Games and Economic Behavior, 76(1), 26-43, 2012
How groups reach agreement in risky choices: an experiment
Zhang and Casari, Economic Enquiry, 50(2), 502-515, 2012
An Experimental Study of Collective Deliberation
Goeree and Yariv, Econometrica, 79(3), 893-921, 2011
Stationary Concepts for Experimental 2 X 2 Games: Comment
Brunner, Camerer and Goeree, American Economic Review, 101(2), 1029-40, 2011
Price Discovery in Emissions Permit Auctions
Burtraw, Goeree, Holt, Myers, Palmer and Shobe, Research in Experimental Economics: Experiments on Energy, the Environment, and Sustainability, Eds. Mark Isaac and Douglas Norton, EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING LIMITED, 14, 11-36
Asymmetric reduced form Auctions
Mierendorff, Economics Letters, 110(1), 41-44, 2011
Correlated Individual Differences and Choice Prediction
Lindsay, Games, 2(1), 16-20, 2011
An Experimental Study of Auctions versus Grandfathering to Assign Pollution Permits
Goeree, Holt, Palmer, Shobe and Burtraw, Journal of the European Economic Association, 8(2-3), 514-525, 2011
Hierarchical package bidding: A paper & pencil combinatorial auction
Goeree and Holt, Games and Economic Behavior, 70(1), 146-169, 2010
An Experimental Test of Flexible Combinatorial Spectrum Auction Formats
Brunner, Goeree, Holt and Ledyard, American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 2(1), 39-57, 2010
Goeree, McConnell, Mitchell, Tromp and Yariv, American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 2(1), 183-203, 2010
An Experimental Analysis of Auctioning Emission Allowances Under a Loose Cap
Shobe, Palmer, Myers, Holt, Goeree and Burtraw, Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, 39(2), 162-175, 2010
Can groups solve the problem of over-bidding in contests?
Sheremeta and Zhang, Social Choice and Welfare, 35(2), 1175–197, 2010